The founder of the Nansen Dialogue Network Mr. Steinar Bryn, and the executive director of Nansen Dialogue Centre Skopje Mr. Veton Zekolli were invited to give a presentation in the SMABY Peacebuilding  Symposium organized by Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

The Smaby Peacebuilding Symposium brings together practitioners and organizers from around the world to share their stories and give participants a sense of the wide range of peacebuilding activities and frameworks that have emerged from diverse localities.

This symposium will introduce different ways of thinking about peacebuilding and how to apply ideas to our own communities, as well as new tools, resources, and ways of thinking about building peace and justice.

The lecture by Dr. Steinar Bryn and Veton Zekolli of the Nansen Dialogue Network was based on: How to build unity in divided societies? This presentation will focus on how the Nansen Dialogue was created in Lillehammer, Norway as a consequence of the 1994 Winter Olympics in response to the war raging in the European city of Sarajevo, a former Olympic city. The Nansen Dialogue has inspired thousands of people in the Western Balkans and the methodology has inspired people in Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and South Korea.